Constmach Log Washer - Washing System For Gravel, Stone & Sand lavadora de arena nueva

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Contactos del vendedor

If you are looking for a log washer for sale, our machine offers a cost-effective and high-performance solution, ensuring superior aggregate cleanliness. Moreover, our log washer price is competitively positioned, offering a balance of efficiency and affordability to meet your operational needs.
Unmatched Cleaning Performance with Advanced Engineering
CONSTMACH log washers are meticulously designed to provide exceptional cleaning performance, especially for materials with a high clay content. These machines utilize twin rotating shafts equipped with strategically positioned paddles, which generate an intensive scrubbing action, breaking down tough clays and removing contaminants efficiently. Unlike traditional washing systems, this method ensures that the aggregates emerge cleaner and more suitable for high-quality construction applications.
Key Features of CONSTMACH Log Washers
Robust Construction: Manufactured using premium-grade materials, these washers are built to endure harsh working conditions, ensuring extended service life and optimal reliability.
Superior Cleaning Efficiency: The dual-row spiral paddles effectively break down sticky and tough materials, guaranteeing minimal loss of valuable aggregates while maximizing impurity removal.
Customizable Operation: The adjustable shaft speed and angle allow operators to fine-tune the cleaning process based on the contamination level and aggregate type, optimizing operational efficiency.
High Capacity Output: Capable of processing up to 400 tons per hour, these washers support high-demand operations without compromising on cleaning quality.
Low Maintenance Requirements: Designed for easy maintenance, the components are readily accessible, ensuring reduced downtime and lower operational costs.
Applications and Benefits
CONSTMACH log washers are essential in industries where high-quality aggregates are required, including:
Construction Industry: Ensuring that aggregates used in concrete and asphalt applications are free from contaminants, leading to stronger and more durable end products.
Mining Operations: Assisting in the separation of valuable minerals from clay and debris, optimizing material recovery.
Recycling Facilities: Preparing recycled aggregates for reuse, enhancing sustainability in construction projects.
By integrating CONSTMACH log washers into your material processing setup, you can significantly enhance aggregate quality, prolong the lifespan of downstream equipment, and reduce unnecessary operational costs.
Log Washer Technical Specifications
Model: 2.000 x 7.000 mm (Double Row)
Electric Motor: 2 x 37 kW, GAMAK Brand, IE3 Efficiency Class, 1500 rpm
Feeding Size: 0 - 50 mm
Main Body Material: S235JR A1 Quality, 8 mm Sheet (Twisted Type)
Speed: 15 - 25 rpm
Screw Design: Double Row Carrier Spiral Spoons, S235JR, 8 mm Sheet, Wear-Resistant Casting Arms, Hardox Coated Helices
Shaft Material: Cr-Ni-Mo Alloy Steel
Housing: GS52 Steel Casting
Bearing System: SKF or FAG, Heavy Duty Spherical Roller Bearings
Capacity: 200 - 400 tph
Machine Weight: 24.000 kg
Why Choose CONSTMACH Log Washers?
At CONSTMACH, we are dedicated to delivering top-tier construction and mining equipment that combines cutting-edge technology with unmatched durability. Our log washers exemplify this commitment by offering high-efficiency cleaning solutions at competitive pricing. Whether you require a log washer for sale to improve your aggregate quality or need a reliable machine to optimize your mining operations, CONSTMACH has the perfect solution.
With decades of experience in manufacturing aggregate washing and processing equipment, we understand the challenges industries face when dealing with contaminated materials. Our solutions are designed to enhance operational efficiency, minimize downtime, and maximize profitability. Additionally, we offer comprehensive after-sales support and spare part availability, ensuring that your equipment operates at peak performance throughout its lifespan.
For businesses looking for a cost-effective yet high-performance log washer, CONSTMACH provides the ideal balance of quality, efficiency, and affordability. Contact us today to learn more about our log washer price and how we can help you streamline your aggregate washing process.